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The Power of the ‘Bite-Sip’ Outbreak 

For the past few months the dengue outbreak rapidly increased with the number of reported cases and deaths. In just seven months this year, they were already 140,000 case that were reported. This situation affects the whole country negatively.

Currently, communities around the country set a specific time to clean their surroundings. Cleaning is their strategy to search and destroy the mosquito breeding sites. This strategy also adds to the unity of the citizens in terms of prioritizing their health.

This outbreak also increased the awareness of the public. They were taught to clean and on how to be attentive in their places. People were also advised to be conscious in their health, and do not just rely on self-medication. There primary strategy that the Department of Health (DOH) consults is to seek early consultations.

One of the results were also shown in the hospital. They provide appropriate services that will be accessible to the patients. Hospitals take charge efficient effort to offer premium accommodation to the patients.

Citizens were also more attentive and concern in their health DOH advices the public to take care of their own and to have nutritious diet and the main priority is to limit ourselves.

In these deadly and alarming situations, the key to handle this is unity and thinking positively. Every community should strengthen their cooperation and prevention. 


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